Our New Building/LA 2 Renovation

Our new building has been completed, with a flurry of activity over the past two weeks and our 8 new classrooms are ready for occupancy from the beginning of term 3. Sarah Constructions have been outstanding with their efforts with everything they have done with our new building and including the complete renovation of LA 2-both spaces look sensational. Attached is a ‘map’ of where classes will be located in the new building and we asked that students enter the new building  as indicated. Chris year 5, Sandra year 5, Stazz year 4/5 and Penny year 4/5 from the northern entrance indicated by the black arrow. Janice/Anastasia year 4, Marisa/Jaye year 4, Kate year 3 and Courtney/Nera year 3  from the western main entrance indicated by the green arrow. Class teachers will determine entry and exit points on Monday which your child will inform you about. There is NO ACCESS to the building from the oval or cemetery sides as new grass has/will be planted and the area is very wet or  muddy. Please respect this.

I have sought advice regarding entry into classrooms and the current arrangements that we have in place remain-parents are not to enter classrooms-this includes the new building. I completely understand our parents desire to do so, however we must follow health advice given.  I will enquiring further as to how we make it possible for parents to tour our beautiful new building and will update you asap.

LA 2 has been completely renovated with the entire top floor painted, new carpet in the 5 eastern rooms, new student lockers with doors and beautiful aluminium internal windows installed. Corridor carpet will be installed the first weekend of term 3. New joinery, pin up boards, painting of both toilets, new lino in both toilets will happen in the next holidays. It really does look stunning and it now resembles our LA 1 environment. As with the new build, parents are not to enter LA 2 as we have done this year, but I will post shortly how parents may be able to view.

Michael and Heather Kilmartin, parents here at our school  have been absolutely sensational. Michael is the Design Manager for Sarah Constructions while Heather is a Project Manager in the construction industry  – the support/advice/hard labour that they have provided for us, particularly for the renovation of LA 2 has been massive. Michael has been on the team throughout the entire project (new build, front entrance remodelling, LA 2 renovation) while Heather has joined us over the past three weeks. My sincere thanks to both. Michael has certainly ensured that our school has been the beneficiary of a high quality, very professional and ‘best price’ product! Thanks Michael!

In the near future I will post  appropriate thankyous to all the Sarah Construction team involved in the new build, front entrance remodelling and the renovation of LA 2. Sarahs have been exceptional!


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