Volunteers – are you ready?

Good Afternoon.

With the relaunch of school sports, excursions, and carnivals, along with our our ability to once again welcome our volunteers that work in the canteen and in the library, I thought it timely to re-post our Volunteer requirements that need to be fulfilled for you to assist our school.

Completing the volunteer requirements takes about 1.5-2 hours, but once you have them completed, you are set for up to 5 years!

The Department for Education has rules regarding volunteering in schools and preschools.  All volunteers must complete a Volunteer Application and Agreement Form, and be inducted (approx 15 min) into the school. (Please note, an induction date will be set and communicated as we have not held any this year to date).  In addition, you will need a Department of Human Services (DHS) screening clearance for Working with Children, and a Response and Neglect to Children (RAN) certificate.  These applications and certificates are at no cost to you, and are invaluable to our school community.

 You are unable to volunteer unless these steps have been completed.

Ways you can volunteer at Brighton Primary School:

  • Excursion/camp support
  • Governing Council/Parents and Friends/Sub Committees
  • After school sport Coaching/Manager/Coordinator
  • School Sport SA or Carnival coach/support during school
  • LAP (Learning Assistance Program)
  • Canteen support
  • Library support

You can collect a Volunteer Pack from the Front Office, or simply click to find all the information and forms are available below:

We look forward to hearing from you and receiving your completed applications at our front office, or you can email all components to janmarie.cresp387@schools.sa.edu.au.


Thank you

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