Parents & Friends – Easter Raffle

Parents and Friends biggest fundraiser each year is the Easter Raffle!

The reason it is such an effective way of fundraising is that we ask you for donations to put together for prizes, plus we ask you to purchase or sell raffle tickets.  Each family has been given a book of 5 x $2 tickets.  Anyone can buy these tickets – friends, family, neighbours.  If you would like another book (or 5!) please either email with your child’s name and classroom, or visit Sarah in the front office. Please return all tickets stubs and raffle donations to the front office by Friday, 3 April.

Please remember to write your child’s name and class number on the raffle ticket stub, as we also offer a canteen lunch to the value of $130 to the classroom who sells the most tickets!

A huge thank you in advance for those of you who donate Easter goodies. Remember to write your name on the piece of paper by the donations box so we can enter you in a draw to win one of 3 x $10 canteen vouchers.  The more donations we get, the more prizes we can offer.  Over the past few years we have been fortunate to be able to give away 40+ prizes each year.

The gift bags will be delivered to the winner’s classrooms or notified via sms/phone so please write you child’s name, room number and your phone number on the ticket stubs.

Thanks for your ongoing support.

Parents and Friends Committee

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