Year 6’s students become ‘green thumbs’ in Biology

Week 2 brought the end to our Year 6 Plant Growing Inquiry.  Students were challenged to grow a plant from food scraps, utilising recycled materials.  Some of the plants grown included tomatoes, avocadoes, mangoes, coriander, and garlic.

Students and their partners had to grow the same plant but change only one variable (ie what it was grown in, where it was placed to grow, and the amount it was watered).  The idea was that we wanted to see whose plant would grow the best, and what conditions it needed to do so.

Students were also challenged to create a watering system to enable their plants to survive over the holidays.

After the holidays we made our final journal entry into our “Plant Inquiry Booklet” and then judged the best plants of each class group and the best plants of our Year 6 Community.  Congratulations to our finalists, and Daisy Heddles taking out the Best Plant Award.

Well done to Daisy, here with her winning tomato plant

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