Introducing Sam Chan

I am Sam

Sam I am

The pastoral support worker of Brighton Primary School

I do a few things here, one is to run the breakfast fuel

I do not like green egg and ham

At breakfast club students can get scramble egg and toast with jam

As well as vegemite, hot chocolate and baked beans from the can

Other things that I do

Is to chat to people maybe you

I chat with students and their family

Celebrating life and at times pondering on its complexity

On days when the sun shines so bright

Or days that seem to be like nights

I am Sam

Sam I am

I am here a couple days a week to pastoral support those within the community of Brighton Primary School. Here a few interesting things about me. I am Asian Australia, my parents came from Malaysia and I was born and grew up here in Australia. I am  the father of 2 children. I am writing a book about the formation of the children who grow inbetween the western culture of society and the eastern culture of their home life. I enjoy cooking, eating and making things in my shed.

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