Student Survey – Students with Autism Collection Survey

Dear families,

Thank you for taking the time to complete the parent survey -Students with Autism Collection Survey. Currently we are looking through the survey responses to gain valuable feedback and guide future actions of how we can best support Autistic students at Brighton Primary School.

We would also like to gain the students’ perspectives on their school experience at Brighton Primary School. If your child is aware of their diagnosis of Autism and you are happy for your child to complete a survey, please reply here.

The student survey questions are listed below.

Kind Regards,

Marisa Wilson

Student Survey Questions

How do you feel about coming to school? Excited / positive / sometimes good and sometimes not / worried / unhappy / other

What helps you do your best learning?

What is your favourite type of learning?

What do you play at recess and lunch time?

What are your interests?

Do you go to any groups or clubs outside of school?

What do you like about school?

What don’t you like about school?

Is there anything else that you would like us to know about you?


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