SAPSASA Basketball Statewide Finals

On Thursday October 20th our Year 5/6 Boys SAPSASA Basketball team – consisting of Brody N, Brody B, Harry P, Hugo R, Hunter D, Jack C, Jack K, Jude H, Kane A & Leo C, competed in the Statewide Finals Day at Lights Sports & Community Centre.

Expertly coached by Ben Pummeroy and assisted by Robin Carter, the boys had a very successful day winning all 4 of their pool games. They advanced to the semi-final where they unfortunately were beaten by our neighbours, Paringa Park Primary by 2 points in double over-time.

The boys showed excellent sportsmanship all day – encouraging their teammates, listening to their coaches and respecting their opposition.  They made their school very proud.

Huge thanks to Kim, Darren N, Darren H & Mandy for scoring; Aaron Lindsay for all his hard work in organising the team and special thanks to coaches Ben & Rob for giving up their time to make the day such a success!

Diane Donaldson


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