Excursion to the Living Kaurna Cultural Centre

Last Thursday the First Nations children of Brighton PS and their chosen buddies visited the Living Kaurna Cultural Centre with our very own Aboriginal Community Education Officer (ACEO), Dionne. The purpose of this visit was for us to connect with each other, and to develop our understanding and respect for the traditional custodians of the land of which we live and learn.

We had time to explore the land and artefacts of the centre (just off Sturt Road!). After exploring the area, we all participated in an ochre painting activity. The very knowledgeable Taylor, who ran the workshop, taught us that Kaurna people used different symbols to tell stories. We also learnt about how to prepare ochre, and learnt important customs such as which colours of ochre we were allowed to paint with. We created our own stories and used the symbols in our paintings. Our final activity was to share our painting and stories to each other.

Although the visit was brief, we gained knowledge and strengthened our friendships!

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