SpikeZone Volleyball is back tomorrow. Please adhere to COVID SAfe requirements

The final after school sport to resume has advised games recommence tomorrow.  Please abide by the restrictions outlined below.

Please click here for the fixture.

COVID Restrictions:

New COVID restriction take place from tomorrow morning and it is your responsibility as the people and organisations operating your activity to ensure compliance with SA Government requirements for Public Activities.  We have tried to summarise the key point below, however, you should not rely on this information and ensure you are appropriately informed and are complying with requirements:

•             Capacity of 3 people per 4m2 for seated activities, 1 person per 2m2 for standing activities, and 1 person per 4m2 for gyms and other sporting and dance spaces

•             Masks are required by all people including participants, spectators, parents etc, unless an exemption applies (e.g. under 12 years of age, medical exemption, etc).  Masks can also be removed during sport, but should be worn for entry and exit of facilities.

•             Please ask your participant to take direct routes from carparks to the venue and where possible avoid standing around before or after the activity, congregating where not necessary or coming into contact with other users onsite.

•             All people must check in for contact tracing purposes using your COVID Safe.

•             All competitions/trainings: NO SPECTATORS except one parent/caregiver per child. It is requested that if at all possible, other dependent children do not attend venues with that parent/caregiver.



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