Sport News

Sport News

Just a quick reflection of recent sporting activities and news

Cross Country Term 2
Well done to the 30 students who attended the South West Districts Cross Country trials earlier in the term. Out of the 30, 5 boys qualified for the state championships to represent the South West. Well done Cooper, Bailey, Leo, Jesse and Jordan.

Crows Cup

The Crows cup was an excellent day that had 17 girls teams competing in a highly competitive carnival. We had a 3rd place and a 15th place finish for our teams. I was incredibly impressed with not only the performances, but the positive team atmosphere that all of our girls had. A special thanks to the volunteers (Evie’s dad, Mikaela’s dad, Anastasia and her daughter) who made themselves available to support us through this carnival with team management duties and coaching. The special standouts of this carnival were Anya  who was an expert at breaking tackles and clearing the footy of half back. Kristen, who was a highly effective ruck and goal kicker and Nadira  who showed size does not matter with her relentless attack on the footy. Alistair

SAPSASA Selection trials

A reminder that is very important that students listen to messages from teachers and read notes that are circulated regarding trials and practise sessions. I always find it fascinating that 120 students can know about an up and coming Volleyball carnival but there is one or two that swear they knew nothing about it.

NRL Tackle Rugby

Well done to the year 6/7 Boys who won the State Championships last term. Well done to the year 6/7 girls who won the plate division. Special thanks to Melissa, Wayne and Arthur for helping out with coaching the teams.

Term 3 News

I am in the process of asking students to nominate for trials for the district athletics carnival which will be held in week 6. On average we take around 35-40 students as we are restricted with the amount of events they can enter e.g. 2 runners per event. This event is for selection into the state athletics to represent the South West District. Many of the events have either qualifying times, distances and heights. For example students born in 2008 and 2009 the qualifying height for high jump is 1.10m. The event is only for students born in 2011, 2010, 2009 and 2008.

Jeff Miller

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