Library books

Only two more weeks of school!

During next week (Week 8) students will need to return all their borrowed books. It’s time to start looking for those lost library books that may have made their way under beds, onto bookshelves, under the car seat, or to another home.  Overdue notices have gone out today so please help your children to locate any books.  If you are unable to locate a book please ask your child to come into the library to let staff know.

Book Club brochures for Issue 8 have gone home this week.  This is the last issue for the year so you may like to take the opportunity to purchase well priced items ready for pressies or holiday reading.  All orders need to be placed online, and will be delivered to the school.  The last day to order is this coming Monday 30th November. It is a short order time but needs to be to have items delivered before the end of the school year.

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