Further Update re Sports Day

Further to my recent statement on our Blog re our upcoming Sports Day I have included information below received from Susan Rose, Principal Safety Consultant, Work Health and Safety Covid-19 Hotline. This further supports our decision to hold a ‘no parent, no spectator’ Sports Day.

SA Health works very closely with the Department for Education (DfE) to keep our schools and preschools safe. With this in mind, SA Health have advised DfE to manage and keep events under 1000 attendees (inclusive of students, staff and guests) and to keep records of attendees. DfE School events are not classified as a public activity so please be aware the SA Health announcements are referring to Community Events or Public Gathering. For those who are referring to AFL crowds, this is tightly controlled by the venue’s COVID-19 Management Plan which must be approved by SA Health. This does not apply to DfE schools.



2 thoughts on “Further Update re Sports Day

    1. Hi Alicia -Sports Day will be held on Monday the 16th of November and a link will be sent to parents via our Blog and Seesaw to allow parents to view the action live. A schedule will be published shortly.

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