Bushfire Fundraiser – Dress in Blue – Feb 21 – Gold coin


“Catastrophic fires, the worst drought in history and record high temperatures are taking a tragic toll on native wildlife.” – https://www.wires.org.au/

As a school community, we would like to do our part to help with the recent bushfires. We have decided to raise money to give to WIRES who make it their mission to preserve and rehabilitate our Australian wildlife.

All donations to support them to rescue and care for more native animals, provide more wildlife information and education to the community, to protect and preserve native animals and to train and support more volunteer rescuers and carers.

On Friday Week 4, we encourage students to WEAR BLUE to represent the rain our country needs so badly. Please bring a gold coin donation.

12 thoughts on “Bushfire Fundraiser – Dress in Blue – Feb 21 – Gold coin

    1. They are listed on QKR! under the special events section, but it only shows as available for today and tomorrow. The cut off for ordering is Wednesday.

    1. That’s correct Lee. It is a non-uniform day with a blue theme. Students can wear home clothes instead of their uniform but they must be blue. If a student does not have anything blue or does not want to participate they need to wear their school uniform.

    1. They are listed on QKR! under the special events section, but it only shows as available for Tuesday and Wednesday. The cut off for ordering is Wednesday and today’s (Monday) ordering has closed.

  1. Will this be added to the upcoming events calendar? I always struggle to remember what week we are in, so the actual date will be helpful.

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