Cricket, Tee Ball, Basketball and Volleyball

Hi Everyone

Another update for you:

Our team managers and coaches are kindly working hard to get their Department for Education (DfE) Volunteer Checks completed.  Upon completion, this will allow us to send your child’s team contacts to them to allow them to begin organising training times etc.  We definitely understand that you are all keen to get information about your team to you – we are equally keen to get this happening!

Tee Ball Fixture is likely to be  hand delivered into our school late this week.  It is likely it will be towards the end of the week.  The Tee Ball Coordinator, Judy, and myself will transfer this to a document we can email out to you.  You will know Saturday’s game details by Friday.

I understand that not every player will have a black and yellow top as we have sold out in some sizes.  Please ask your child to wear their grey school top.

Basketball  Please refer to the Basketball post, as there has been a week delay to the start date.  We will communicate with you when the fixture is released.  Please add this link to your phone ready for the fixture release.

Cricket  – Commences this week.  C Grade will play on Thursday, A and B Grades, plus the Master Blaster teams will start on Saturday.  We will let you know when the Fixture has been released.  In the meantime, familiarise yourself with the SACA Primary School website, where the rules and general information can be found, and where the  fixture will be loaded once created.

Volleyball – Commences for both indoor and beach this Friday after school.  Once again, the fixture will be available on this link, and will be communicated once it has been created.  For anyone wanting to familiarise yourself with the rules and guidelines – click here and scroll to the bottom for the links to Mini Ball (Yr 4/5) and 6 a-side (yr 6/7)

Thanks for your interest in school sport


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