Sports Coordinators Needed – Volleyball, Netball & Basketball

Hello BPS Community,

We are strong in our after school sporting teams at BPS!  This is brilliant.  We love how kids learn when they play team sports.

We need your community support  to be a little stronger please.  Volleyball has about 95 players a season, Netball has 65 players and Basketball has 105 players.

To set up these teams,  we need:

  • forms to be created, distributed and collected
  • information input into excel
  • teams created with coaches and managers
  • communications made with sports associations, plus our school and parents
  • resources allocated (kits etc)

… and that is all before the first game has started.

This is a lot of work for one person in each sporting team.  Our Sports Committee would love to grow in numbers and we would love to share our sports with you.

If you are happy and willing to give a few hours to assist us in any of our sports, but particularly volleyball, netball and basketball, please contact us asap.

Volleyball – Sharee Jones I  0488 099 231  I

Basketball and Netball – Jan-Marie  I  0402 480 154  I

Thank you

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