From the Principal

Brighton Primary School is holding a Student Free Day (SFD) this Friday, the 2nd of November, where we will undertake a range of important tasks. Lead by Mike Delean and Principal Consultant Sue Toone, we will undertake a rigorous analysis of a variety of data sets to help us set our directions with regard to our Site Improvement Plan (SIP) for 2019. It is expected that all schools will develop their SIP with 3 explicit goals and in our case, with a likely focus on writing, reading and numeracy. We will develop an overall school goal for each of these critical areas and construct very explicit year based goals, with clear strategies and importantly a ‘challenge of practice’ that each teacher will strive to address. For example…‘If we were to adopt and implement a  common, evidenced based approach to the teaching of writing across our whole school, we will then see an improvement in the quality of student writing R-7.’ It will be the role of teachers to address this challenge of practice. Following Friday’s SFD, we will have developed a 2019 draft SIP which we will share with our Governing Council and once finalised, with our broader community. A second very important undertaking will be to continue the task of constructing  our  2019 classes, following the process previously outlined on Brighton Banter. As appreciated, this is a complex task and requires a great deal of careful thought and consideration. And lastly, our Centre for Deaf (CDE) staff, lead by Melissa Phillips, will develop very detailed and explicit student profiles for each of our eleven deaf and hard of hearing students, which will be shared with 2019 class teachers.

It is certainly a very valuable opportunity to undertake these tasks and as a staff we appreciate the support of our school community to enable us to do so.

Ian Filer


8 thoughts on “From the Principal

  1. One great addition to the blog home page would be a ‘quick view’ of the important “Diary Dates” similar to what was always included in the Newsletter. I used this all the time to quickly jot the important dates in my planner. Sue Gaarbode’s “What’s on this week” encompasses this somewhat but the view from the homepage isn’t large enough to see all the dates easily without clicking through.

  2. Hi Caroline,

    Yes there will be OSHC Friday 7am-6pm.
    It is an in house day with various activities throughout.

    Booking forms are available in OSHC today.

  3. Hi,
    I don’t want to be a negative Nancy… but what’s better about the blog? It’s a lot harder to read, I can’t skim through like I could with the newsletter, I have to actively click each article to see if I need to know any of it. It seems from the outside, like change for changes sake. Is there something I’m missing? Maeve

    1. Thanks Maeve for your comments. Parents were surveyed last year and a Communication Committee was established, with parent and staff representatives. The role of the committee was to look at a variety of ways, that we as a school, could best communicate with our parent body. It was apparent from the survey that many parents were not accessing our newsletter so it was important that we adopt a more inclusive and informative approach to keep our parents informed. Many enquiries were made to other sites and a small group of staff visited another school who had been using a Blog as their ‘whole of school’ communication approach. We decided to create our own Blog, which was ‘launched’ 2 weeks ago. One huge advantage, is that we can provide up to date information to our school community each day rather than wait for our newsletter which we published fortnightly. We will continue to refine how our Blog operates and respond to feedback but this will be our form of whole school communication from now on.

      1. I like how the blog is interactive too (parents can make comments, can ask questions & get replies to those questions), whereas the newsletter was a one way broadcast.

        Class communication using SeeSaw have been good this year, but whole-of-school communication has needed improvement. Hopefully this blog will help a lot, once people get used to it.

  4. Hi, will there be OSHC available this Friday for the pupil free as there hasn’t been anything around in there to sign up?

    1. Hi Caroline,

      Yes there will be OSHC Friday 7am-6pm.
      It is an in house day with various activities throughout.

      Booking forms are available in OSHC today.

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