Pedal Prix News + Information Session


Hi Brighton Primary School Community,

With the launch of our Pedal Prix season fast approaching, I would like to take the time to share a little of what has been going on behind the scenes. Since midway through term 1, a squad of approximately 40 students, ranging from years 5-7, have been training every Tuesday and Friday morning starting at 7:30am. This is exciting for a number of reasons. Firstly, this is the largest group of students that we at Brighton have had involved in Pedal Prix in our school’s history. It is also the first year that we have allowed year 5 students to take part in the competition.

I would like to extend an enormous thank you to Jon Inglis, who has taken on the role of coach again this year. Also, to Ella, Joel, Ethan and Riley, the year 8 students who have returned to BPS each morning to support our training program. I would also like to make a special mention of Matt & Karyn Olson who have worked tirelessly in preparing the bikes for our upcoming season’s opening race at The Bend on Sunday the 23rd of May.

A last reminder that the information night for all of the Pedal Prix families is this coming Monday (10/5), as was outlined on the note that went out last week. It is an expectation that a member from each family attends as there will be key information shared at the session.

I look forward to great season!

Lucas – Pedal Prix Coordinator

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