COVID 19-Update number 15 At school and at home learning

Throughout term two, class and specialist teachers will be using Seesaw to communicate with parents about the teaching and learning programmes that will be offered to our students. This will happen on a weekly basis.

On Thursday 23rd April (the Thursday prior to school resuming on Monday 27th April) teachers will post on Seesaw what week one’s plan will look like for each team / class. Our professional learning teams are a combination of like year level teachers, who have worked extremely hard to ensure there is consistency across year levels with our teaching and learning programme – at home and at school.

Our teaching and learning programme has and will continue to be aligned to the Australian Curriculum and build on the learning which has occurred during term one, as closely as possible. Programmes have been designed with a continued focus on literacy, numeracy, specialist areas and other areas of inquiry. All programmes will incorporate an element of student wellbeing, reflection and feedback.

With regard to take home packs for students learning at home, we ask that parents come to school on Friday 24 April to pick up your child’s / children’s take home pack. All packs will be located in the hall, clearly marked with a name and class number. Enter the hall from the main entrance and exit from the western doorway. Please practice, as you do when shopping, physical distancing. Parents/caregivers may ask another parent to collect their child’s pack if they are unable to attend. Only attend if your child will be involved in at home learning next term.

At school learning will mirror, to the best of our ability, at home learning. Everything else will remain as normal at school.

There will be times at school when like year level classes, both mainstream and specialist, will combine to deliver a lesson. This will occur when student numbers are low in classes. The combination of students will still remain way below current ‘normal’ class sizes. This could vary daily according to attendance.

Parents are asked to communicate all home to school notices through our front office for any matters that are not learning based, for example: absences, early pick up, appointments, going to OSHC etc. All learning based enquires should be through Seesaw or Teams to your child’s teacher. By following this approach you can be assured the all messages will be actioned successfully.

We are entering a new world of learning that will be full of challenges, excitement, frustrations but hopefully a lot of fun. I believe this approach will have a huge impact on how we educate our students in the future.

As I have said previously, be kind, particularly to yourselves, as you and your child/children head out on this new adventure.

Have a joyful Easter and a great holiday with family.




11 thoughts on “COVID 19-Update number 15 At school and at home learning

  1. Hi Ian,
    Due to some shift changes for myself and my husband we would like to send our boys to school full time , I previously said part in school on your form.
    Is it possible to send them full time?


  2. Hi Ian
    due to having no NBN for over 2 weeks now and no idea as to when it will be fixed. Sophie Douglas will be starting term 2 at school. Hope this will be ok.
    Peter Douglas

  3. Dear Ian/Adam, thanks for this information. Can we prepare in advance by getting Microsoft teams set up on our home computer? Is there an link we can follow for install etc?

    1. Hi Liz,
      You most certainly can. If you login to Teams via the Microsoft Office 365 website there is a button in the bottom left hand corner of the screen that looks like a computer monitor with a down arrow on it. This downloads the desktop app. When the download is finished, click it to run and follow the prompts.

  4. Hi Ian, We are expecting some workplace changes in the next 2 weeks that mean we may be able to home school or part home school – can we get an at home pack if we change closer to the time? Thanks

  5. Hi Ian,

    If we’ve opted to send our children to school next term as we’re both essential workers, do we still need to collect packs from school just in case the schools close?

    Happy for a personal message or for you to share my question.


    1. ONLY those students who will be learning at home are asked to pick up a home pack. Students coming to school will be given almost the same when at school. I say almost the same as ‘book use’ will be different.

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