8 thoughts on “Covid 19-Update number 13 Community Consultation

  1. Hi Ian and Teaching Staff,

    Im sure you’ve already got this covered but I wondered if it’s possible for the teacher to zoom the class each school morning at 9am to welcome, connect and to motivate the students to complete class work etc? I thought it might be a nice way to stay in touch with the students and create a starting point for the day. Thanks, Anna

    1. Hi Anna-we will not be using Zoom but rather Teams or Web X for connecting with families. It will not happen every day but regularly. Motivating students to engage with tasks set is a big challenge for us here at school and of course for parents.

    1. We are all undergoing training in video editing next week which will incorporate the addition of subtitles to ensure all students can enjoy story time from the teachers.

    1. Thanks for the update.

      You mentioned that no child will repeat due to Covid. I am wondering about kindy children this year transitioning into foundation next year. Kindy children being being kept at home due to Covid this year would potentially only receive 6 months of kindy on the kindy premises. Has there been any discussion into what this might look like for next year? I have a kindy child who will turn 5 in March 2021. I am worried that missing out on 6 months of proper kindy will not prepare her emotionally, psychologically or socially for the school environment next year.

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