COVID-19 Update number 10

Pupil Free Days Week 11

Outlined below is an announcement from the Minister of Education , John Gardner and the Chief Executive, Rick Persse regarding the granting of 4 pupil free days for week 11 this term. The four days are the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th of April. These days have been granted to give staff time to adapt to the challenges of moving to an ‘on line’ learning environment for students who attend Brighton Primary. This announcement has just been made, so  I am unable to outline exactly what the four days will look like for staff. The leadership team and staff will be meeting over the next week to carefully plan these 4 days so the valuable time is utilised wisely. There will of course be training provided to all staff regarding the platforms available for online learning including Office 365/Teams and SeeSaw which will be lead by staff highly skilled in using these platforms. Staff will also meet in Professional Learning Teams (PLTs), which are year level based groups of staff, meeting to plan units of work for their students. Staff already meet in these groups very regularly -PLTs have been in operation at BPS for many years.

Ben, our Director from OSHC,  has posted details about care available on these 4 days. Please read Ben’s post and follow his instructions if wishing to access OSHC.

Parent Letter


7 thoughts on “COVID-19 Update number 10

  1. Hi Ian,
    Thank you for sending regular updates.
    Please take care all of you also for your health and well being.
    We both are doctors and serving like you in different continents against this outbreak.I am in India while Reena is working in Adelaide.
    The learning opportunities on digital platforms can solve many challanges at current COVID 19 related context.
    Stay safe all teachers you are doing great job in this extreme stressful situation.
    Best regards and take care

    1. Lalit-thank you for your post. As a school we will be working very hard next week to design what on line learning looks like at BPS. It is likely that we will be adopting Seesaw and Office 365/Teams applications to help us undertake this challenging task. All staff are familiar with and use Seesaw, while our teachers of our older students are currently utilising Teams to assist with ‘at home ‘ learning. We have a number of staff who are highly skilled in both applications/platforms and they will provide quality training for other staff. I feel confident, albeit with some teething problems, that we will able manage this challenge to the best of our ability …and very well.

  2. Hi Ian,
    Due to the situation and the government messages regarding kids remain in school, we have decided that Laura will not attend the final few days before the school holiday brought forward, as of tomorrow.
    We would like to take this opportunity to thank you and everyone working with you for the strenuous effort yoy have been making in the current situation and we look forward to coming back when all this nightmare is going to be over. Wish you and all the teachers and families to keep safe! Warm regards, Andrew & Andrea

    1. Thank you Andrew and Amanda-I appreciate your kind words to my staff. We are all certainly feeling the same at this very challenging time. Best wishes to your family also.

  3. Hi Ian,
    Many schools around the area are sending home take home packs with worksheets and tasks for their kids to do. Are we going to be getting anything like this?

    1. Nicole-at a recent Partnership meeting, involving local Primary Schools, it was agreed that the current role for teachers is to teach students attending at school and not to provide school work to be sent home. This in fact was a directive from our Education Director. Whatever classes were doing prior to COVID 19 remains however-the use of Seesaw and Teams are examples. However all this will change as of next term when we move to on line learning. Please read my comment to Lilat which details this.

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