Connected@BrightonPS – Update #2 for 2020

Hello Families and Community,

Just a couple more quick updates regarding the blog.

There is now a page in the top menu called “links” that contains links to some documents and pages you may need to access regularly.  This page will continue to grow.

We have also enabled another new feature on the blog called “Sticky posts”.  This enables posts that need to remain visible to sit at the top of the front page and be highlighted in yellow. These posts will stay there until a set expiry date at which time they will  drop back into the list in their published date order. For example,  the post regarding the Bush Fire Appeal has moved to the top of the front page and is highlighted in yellow.  It will remain there until the 21st when it will automatically drop back into the list in date order.

We hope both of these features continue to make your life easier in knowing what’s happening around the school community.


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