Latest Corona Virus Update January 30th

SA Health has provided updated advice to us about Novel Coronavirus, which is occurring in the Hubei Province of China and has also been reported in other parts of mainland China, and several other countries, including Australia.

The updated advice is that:

  • Students/children and staff who have travelled to Hubei Province in the last 14 days should not attend school and isolate themselves in their homes for 14 days after leaving Hubei Province.
  • Students/children and staff who have travelled to mainland China, not including Hubei Province, are able to return to school unless they are contacts of a confirmed case, or they have symptoms consistent with the virus.
  • All students and staff who have travelled to mainland China should monitor themselves for the 14 days from their departure from mainland China for symptoms of Coronavirus.

Symptoms may include: fever, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, and sore throat.

The latest advice is available on the Australian Government Department of Health website:

We will keep you updated with further information as it becomes available, including an updated letter for parents/ caregivers.

In the meantime, if you have any questions please call the department’s work health and safety team on 8226 1440 (8am to 5pm) or email

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