Coronavirus Update

Dear parent/caregiver,

SA Health has provided advice to us about coronavirus, which is occurring in the Hubei Province of China and has also been reported in other parts of mainland China, and several other countries.

Their advice is that preschool/school students and staff, even those that have travelled to Hubei Province, are able to return to school unless they are close contacts of a confirmed case, or they have symptoms consistent with the virus.

Those symptoms may include fever, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, and sore throat.

All students and staff who have travelled to mainland China, and especially Hubei Province, should monitor themselves for the 14 days from their departure from mainland China for symptoms of coronavirus.

The latest advice is available on the Australian Government Department of Health website:

This advice also says people should take general measures to protect against infections including:

  • washing hands
  • covering mouths while coughing or sneezing
  • avoiding contact with wild or farm animals.

We will keep you updated if there is further specific information you need to know.

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