Beach Volleyball Selection

Recent carnivals we have had a strong representation from our school with up to 24 teams attending. This has asked for a great commitment from parents to take time off work in order for each team to have an adult supervisor. Recently we have had teams say they have a manager and then on the day of the carnival we have no one there to supervise them. As you can imagine, this is putting the students at risk if there is a serious problem.

Due to this we are forced to reduce the number of teams attending these carnivals. We have decided to hold trials for interested students and capped the numbers based on the year level interest. Students were asked to make a team and complete a nomination form with a team manager’s name on the form. At recess and lunch we have played a round robin competition in order to find the top 3 teams. These teams will receive carnival information today. There will be 10 teams attending the carnival. We will be catching a bus on Friday the 8th of November – week 4.

One thought on “Beach Volleyball Selection

  1. Hi Jeff, Racheal came home today with a v’ball note with my name as Team Manager
    I work on Fridays so can not be there , not sure if this is first note but if so way too short notice , I have to request time off well in advance, hopefully another parent is available for them
    Regards Deb Brooke (Racheal McNamee

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