Reminder Easter Raffle tickets & gift donations due Monday 25 March!

This is one of our biggest fundraisers each year. The reason it is such an effective way of fundraising is that we ask you for gift donations to put together for prizes, plus we ask you to purchase or sell raffle tickets.

Please Note: Due to the Front Office Renovations please DROP OFF your EASTER GOODIES to your CHILD’S CLASSRROM or the CANTEEN.  Remember to write your name on the piece of paper by the donations box so we can enter you in a draw to win one of 3 x $10 canteen vouchers.

Tickets are $2 each and available on Qkr!

In Qkr! go to the Parents & Friends Events – Easter Raffle.

  1. You can buy up to 20 tickets in one transaction per child.
  2. If you need more tickets you can carry out multiple transactions.
  3. No physical ticket will be provided, your Receipt in Qkr! is your ticket.

Tickets are also available for CASH, IN PERSON, at the temporary front office.

The class that sells the most tickets will win a canteen lunch voucher to the value of $130!

Important Dates:-

  • Monday 25 March 9am – ticket sales and donations close.
  • Wednesday 27 March – winners announced.

A huge thank you in advance for those of you who donate Easter goodies.

The more donations we get, the more prizes we can offer. Over the past few years we have been fortunate to be able to give away 40+ gift bags.

Thank you for your support!

Parents and Friends Committee

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