Weekly Wrap Up – Student Leaders

Dear Families,

On Tuesday a special assembly was held to celebrate and acknowledge our 84 student leaders for 2023. Thank you to the community members who joined us for the assembly and morning tea. Student leadership is an important part of life at Brighton. Our school offers a diverse range of leadership opportunities including  Student Executive Officers,  F-6 Student Representative Council, Junior and Senior Choir Leaders, ICT Managers, Eco Leaders and Sports Captains. Our Student Leadership program provides students with the opportunity to develop the skills, values and attributes needed to be an effective leader and  provides students with an opportunity to work with the school community to shape school wide initiatives.  We are proud of all our Student Leaders. The leadership team look  forward to working with our School Leaders to make Brighton an even greater school.  Congratulations to our 2023 student leaders.

Please click here for a full list of student leaders. Please click here for a full list of SRC members.

I hope you have the opportunity to spend some quality time with your family over the Easter long weekend and we look forward to seeing everyone back at Brighton next Tuesday.

Happy Easter.

Warm Regards, Rebecca

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