Weekly Wrap Up

Dear Families,

It’s day 10 of the school year and we’ve had our first excursion! Today learners from the LA6 community enjoyed an afternoon walk at the beach. By the sounds of it some great memories and connections were made.

After months of designing and planning the new playspace finally opened yesterday. Unfortunately we have to wait a little bit longer for the play equipment but in the meantime  the children are enjoying the nature play elements and the lawn area.

Our new look acquaintance night ‘Building Community’ will be held next Wednesday at 5:00pm on the courts area. This event provides you and your child/ren the opportunity to have some fun together, meet and chat with staff, connect with other families, and visit classrooms and specialist learning areas. See you there.

Children’s paintings always put a smile on my face.  Enjoy the artwork from 3.5.

Have a great weekend.

Regards, Rebecca

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