Weekly Wrap Up- Splash of Colour

Dear Families,

What a colourful way to end term 3 with the Art Show, Year 6 Enterprise Stalls and the Colour Fun Run.

We are fortunate to have a vibrant performing and visual arts program at Brighton. The Biannual Art Show showcased the students’ artistic learning journey. On display were an array of colourful art pieces created using a wide range of techniques and medium. Our Art Teacher, Rachel, worked tirelessly to present the students’ artwork so professionally.  Many thanks to Rachel and all the staff for supporting this event.

Yesterday everyone had an absolute ball at the Colour Fun Run and with your generous support we raised lots of money that will buy equipment for the new inclusive playground. A shout out to the Parents and Friends committee, Sports Captains and Marek for organising a wonderful event.

The  year 6 community Enterprise Stalls were very successful, The students sold over $3000 worth of products. Congratulations to all the students and staff.

It’s been an absolute joy to see so many families at events this term celebrating all the wonderful learning happening across the school. We look forward to building on these successes in term 4.

Enjoy the holidays and we look forward to seeing the children back at school on Tuesday 18th October .

Warm Regards, Rebecca

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