Library Information

Book Club

Book Club brochures have gone home this week.  All orders are now placed online. Instructions are on the brochure and are quite easy to follow once on the website.  Please ensure that you use your child’s name and room number.  All orders will be delivered to the school and will be distributed to students from the library.

Premier’s Reading Challenge

The Premier’s Reading Challenge is run each year to encourage reading among students. This year’s Challenge has now started and will finish on Sept 6th, Week 7 Term 3.  To complete the Challenge each student needs to read 12 books and record the details on a Student Record Sheet.  Once completed the students will need to return the sheet to the library.  In November students who have completed the Premier’s Reading Challenge will receive their award.  Each teacher will be sending a message to parents via SeeSaw advising how they plan to manage the PRC within their class.  If you have any questions please contact library staff or your child’s class teacher.

Mandy Marshall


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