Class Placement Process

As staff we have begun the complex task of looking at class structures for 2022, determining teacher roles and considering where all students will be placed. Next year we will begin with what we anticipate will be 25 classes, which is based on our current knowledge of who will be attending our school in 2022.

If you are contemplating, or are certain that your child/children will not be at Brighton Primary School next year, please inform the front office as soon as possible via

The process to allocate students to classes for next year has begun. This is a highly involved process, which is based on balancing the needs of all students. Much care is taken with class placements to maximise opportunities for student learning.


Academic Balance:
All classes will contain students of varying academic ability. We try to ensure that the ability of students in each class is balanced with other classes of the same year level.

Behavioural Balance:
Classes are constructed to make sure there is an even balance of student behavioural needs ie: challenging behaviours, passive learners, successful learning behaviours etc.

Straight / Composite Classes:
Some students thrive in a composite class, others are better supported in a class with all students in the same year level while other students learn well, no matter what the class structure is. We will have a variety of class structures next year at Brighton Primary School due to the complexities of student numbers at varying year levels. Rest assured the most important aspect of how a school is structured is the quality of the Teaching and Learning programme offered, not whether classes are straight or composite.

Gender Balance:
We try to ensure a balance of boys and girls in each class, although this is not always possible.

Numbers in the Year Level:
This can be a significant factor. We strive to have an equal number of students in each class. Classes are sized according to the Department for Education staffing allocation. A full time teacher of the Deaf and a full time BSSO (Bilingual SSO), is allocated for every four Deaf and Hard of Hearing students who are enrolled in our school. We do our best to group these students accordingly.

All students will be asked to indicate friendships, with a guarantee of at least one of the five friends chosen by the student, being in the same class for next year.

We consider separating students who have either come to rely too much on each other to the detriment of their learning, or who have a history of poor behaviour when together. Friendship groups are also taken into consideration, but cannot always be guaranteed. Teacher and student input with this aspect is crucial.

Teacher / Pupil Relationships:
Teachers and students are individuals with their own teaching and learning styles and we recognise some combinations work better than others.

Parent Input:
As part of the process of establishing classes for the year 2022 parents may, if they wish, pass on any important information, which they believe should be considered in the placement of their child/children. Only do so if there is important information we should know i.e. most parents will not need to respond. Information should be provided in writing on the ‘PARENT INPUT CLASS PLACEMENT 2022′ sheet available via or schools blog. Please complete the information on this specific proforma only, as it will help make the placement task easier to manage and return it to the front office as soon as possible- but by no later than Wednesday 20th of October (5:30pm). When completing this information please be specific. Do not request specific teachers as this is not considered. We will consider all requests that come in writing however they are not guaranteed. We will strive to meet needs of students as best as we can. It is recommended to keep your request confidential. Every placement letter will be seriously considered and leadership may follow up with a phone call if required. Please speak to your child’s teacher or contact Jan or Christie for further assistance via the front office.

Each year we require parents to submit a new Class Placement Letter if their concerns are still relevant. Previous year’s placement data is not referred to.

Whose Decision is it?
Responsibility for the ultimate decision regarding placement of all students rests with the Principal who works in collaboration with the leadership team. Class placement decisions are only made after considerable input from all concerned.

Thank you for your understanding

Jan Taylor

2 thoughts on “Class Placement Process

  1. Can the Parent Input class placement 2022 form please be uploaded to the blog as currently unable to locate. Thank you

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