Sports Day news

House Captains are busy looking at the opening ceremony, team chants, 100m, House Relay and 800m nominations. The basic timetable at this stage will be:
Wednesday the 3rd of November- After lunch 800m races for students that put nomination forms in. 1st place 50 points, 2nd place 30 points, 3rd place 10 points.
Thursday the 4th of November Official Sports Day
Years 4-7 ( 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 5.1, 5.2, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4)
9.00-9.30 Opening Ceremony (front of LA4)
9.30-12.15 (with break for recess-normal time) Tabloid Events
12.15 100 metre sprints for students that nominated- year levels
2.15 House Relay years 4-7 for students that nominated and then selected by House Captains ( Lottery style) This event is on the 100m track near Highet Ave.
2.45 Closing Ceremony ( front of LA 4)

All nomination forms are due back to the House Captains by the end of week 1, Term 4

Year F-3 ( 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 2.8, 2.10, 2.9, 2.11, 4.7, 4.8)
9.00-9.30 Opening Ceremony (front of LA4)
9.30-12.35 Tabloid Events
Lunch and Break- Return for Closing Ceremony 2.45

Amy and Jeff are looking for donations for our wacky relays for all classes. If you have any old, funny easy to throw on clothing and can donate- please leave them at the front of the office area or give to your child to hand over to Jeff or Amy

Unfortunately we will not be able to have spectators again this year.

The events will be run by students from SEDA college which we free up teachers to send photos and videos to parents on the day via SeeSaw. It will not be live streamed but the races which complete the day will be filmed and shared with the community at a later date.

Thank you Jeff, Amy and the House Captains for 2021

10 thoughts on “Sports Day news

  1. Thanks for your reply but why not get local kids from local high schools in to help rather than kids from a school in Northgate?!

    1. The SEDA students are part of a P.E. program that runs at the school so these students have already been working with our students on site. They know the students and school and are highly recommended by Jeff.

  2. What is the department of educations advice exactly?

    We have had no local transmission of Covid since August 5th and if this continues we will be at 3 months of no local transmission when sports day starts. Based on the current trajectory we are also likely to be at 70% double vaccination in the first week of November. Surely we could look to embrace the new normal and allow fully vaccinated and masked parents to attend these important milestone events.

    The school is well setup to ensure parents vaccination status can be checked upon entry and wearing masks is surely a sacrifice all parents would be willing to make to attend.

    1. I understand that this is difficult to comprehend Alex as COVID is not a significant threat to SA but the DfE advice is that if parents are not required to attend school events they should not. Schools in our partnership and those of like size also plan to informed families that there will not be any spectators for Sports day at this time. Having said that should the advice change we will be eager to invite parents to attend. I sincerely hope that we can have more flexibility by November.

  3. Our daughter is very excited for sports day it is very disappointing to hear that parents won’t be allowed to attend.

    How will the live recordings be shared with the community in future given previously advised cyber safety concerns.?

    Book week couldn’t be recorded and disseminated and could only be live streamed we were told for the safety of our children and now we are being advised the reverse is the case for sports day. I am sure you can understand the confusion.

    1. Hi Simon
      We will not be live streaming but rather recording, editing and then sharing as we did for the Celebration night, the Art Show and National Week for Deaf People assembly. We could not release the Book Week assembly as it was live streamed only, not recorded and edited. The editing process reduces the cyber safety concerns as only those with media approval will be featured on the recording. The races will be the only events recorded. Photos of other events will be shared via SeeSaw from teachers for individual students and their families.
      Thank you

  4. Wow no parents?! 25000 strangers allowed at football games. No cases here. And 6 weeks out and you’re already calling no parents! Instead getting students in from a completely different area of Adelaide to ‘help’ surely posing more of a covid risk than immediate family that live in the same house as their children?! Honestly please explain what is the reasoning behind this..

    1. Hi Rhiana
      I understand your frustration. This decision was made in line with our partnership schools and advice from the Department for Education. We would like have spectators for the benefit of both student and parent so rest assured should anything change between now and the event we will reverse this decision. We thought it was important to publicise this Sports Day information early so families were prepared.
      Thank you

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