General Update


Sports Day has been postponed to Thursday the 4th of November, as a consequence of our current COVID-19 restrictions. Hopefully we will be able to hold a ‘typical’ Sports Day, with full community participation and enjoyment next term. 

Our planned School Closure Day will still be held on Friday the 3rd of September, despite the Show being cancelled.

Our term 4 Pupil Free Day will be held on Friday the 5th of November-immediately following our Sports Day.

Year 1 phonics screening will be taking place over the next three weeks.  All the best to our year 1 students and their teachers.

Foundation to Year seven writing samples have been collected, moderated and assessed throughout the last few weeks. Vanessa will analyse the results very closely, but early indications are very positive that student writing is highly valued by both students and staff.  We are confident student achievement will be impressive.

Our new building will be opened by Education Minister John Gardner on Tuesday 31st August. Unfortunately, at this stage, parents are still not permitted on school grounds. When restrictions lift we will ensure parents will have the opportunity to view this outstanding teaching and learning space.

Multiple classes are currently designing an inclusive outdoor space, where LA4 once stood- following our comprehensive STEM engineering design approach.  AP Christie Evans is leading this initiative and will share students plans in the near future.

A large number of further facilities upgrades will take place in our term 3 holidays. More details in the near future.

Jan Taylor will take on the role of Principal during term 4, following my retirement. Rebecca Read will begin her Principal role at Brighton at the beginning of term 1 next year.



2 thoughts on “General Update

  1. Thanks Ian, why do we still need a day off for the show though? Seems silly especially for some parents that still need to find care for their kids for the day! Thanks Nat

    1. Hi Nat-the School Closure is approved by the Governing Council each year and has typically been held during Show Week. The SC day is really allocated as a ‘day of local significance.’ With the date set a long time ago, many parents would have made plans accordingly. With the opening of the new building that week, I believe it is appropriate to have the Friday as our ‘day of local significance.’ I have spoken to our GC chair Simon Froude and he is in agreement.

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