Weekly Wrap Up -Buzzing to begin at Brighton

Dear Families,

A highlight of the past few weeks has been getting to know the 36 children who will make up our mid year Foundation intake. Coming to us from a range of 14 preschool and childcare settings, these children have been eager participants of our Buzzy Bees transition program. The Buzzy Bees program engages children in six consecutive weekly sessions with our Foundation teachers and staff. Each session is structured to familiarise children with key school routines and facilities, develop new friendships, and to meet their teacher. Importantly, the program also provides teachers with the opportunity to understand the diverse needs of each child to inform the teaching and learning program.

Yesterday, LA 6 students engaged in the V.I.S.I.O.N. program delivered by Blind Sports SA. Students learnt about the modifications made to sports for the blind or vision-impaired and participated in a fun, practical session playing soccer and cricket as well as athletic activities using vision loss simulation glasses and blindfolds.

Our educators are learners as well.  At our recent Student Free Day, our educators had the privilege of participating in a professional learning session led by Dr Ron Ritchhart. Ron is an expert in “Making Thinking Visible,” an approach that emphasises the importance of thinking in the learning process. Our educators engaged in hands on activities  and discussions and they learnt innovative strategies to foster a culture of thinking in our classrooms. This professional development is set to enrich our teaching  and enhance student engagement and learning. We are excited to bring these new thinking routines  into our classrooms and look forward to seeing the positive impact on our students’ learning.

Enjoy the weekend.

Warm Regards, Rebecca

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