Golden Moments of Term 4 – Updated

UPDATED- my apologies this was published without the text.

Dear Families,

As we bid farewell to another incredible year of learning, it is with great joy that we reflect on the successes that have defined our school community in 2023.

This year has been marked by remarkable achievements, both in and out of the classroom. Our students have shown resilience and a love of learning.  Academic, artistic, musical, STEM and sporting successes are all testaments to the hard work and dedication of our students, educators, and families.

I extend my  gratitude to our exceptional educators who have gone above and beyond to create a nurturing and stimulating environment for our students.

As we celebrate the accomplishments of the past year, we also say  farewell to some some educators  who have been at our school for this year (Peter, Mo, Matt, Georgie, Lauren, Liv, Louise, Mohini, Rosie, Robin and Sarah). We also farewell some  educators that have been at Brighton for some years- Jan-Marie, Diane, Ruby and Courtney. All these educators  have made significant contributions to our school community.  We wish them well for their next adventure.

On behalf of all educators, we wish you a joyful and festive holiday season. We look forward to welcoming the children back to school on Monday 29th of January.

To wrap up, please enjoy the Term 4 Golden Moments.

Warm Regards, Rebecca

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