Pedal Prix Race 1 – Tailem Bend

On Saturday the 14th of May, the Brighton Pedal Prix team returned to competition for the first time in 2022 at The Bend Motorsport Track. A smaller than usual team of 20 students took to the state of the art race track, competing in the 6-hour endurance event. As one of the largest Primary School based teams in Australia, we demonstrated our professionalism, athleticism, and enthusiasm all day, reminding our competitors why our team is one to be admired off of the track – and feared on it.

Our three bikes – Thunder, Bolt & Lightning – finished 4th, 5th & 6th respectively. Whilst Thunder missed the elusive podium finish by a miniscule 4 minutes, our results were a new personal best for our school’s program. To put this into perspective: of the 22 primary school teams, 100+ secondary school teams, and 100+ adult teams, we were the only team to have three bikes finish in the top 10! What an amazing accomplishment by our riders and support staff.

Of course, a result like this does not occur by accident and the planning of this event does not happen overnight. I would like to extend an enormous thank you to Jon Inglis, our coach. The training has clearly had an impact and our riders were fit and ready! Another huge thank you to Anthony Elder, who has taken over the reigns as head mechanic for our team. Finally, thank you to all of the parents who volunteered and supported in pit lane throughout the day – and of course for just taking the time out of your weekend to let your students be involved.

We look forward to our next race which will be held at the Victoria Park Race Track on the 17th of June.

Go Thunder, Bolt & Lightning!


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