Brighton PS will be celebrating Harmony Day on Wednesday 23rd March, 2022. Students will be participating through some classroom based activities, and wearing ‘cultural dress’ or something ‘orange’. Teachers will be leading a classroom activity and sharing a sample of their learning in the gym, for a whole school Gallery Walk the following day – showcasing learning, reflections and crafts from Harmony Day experiences.
How can you help? To show compassion and care towards the Ukrainian Community at this time, we will be having a gold coin donation. Children we have the opportunity to bring money to support The Ukrainian Crisis Appeal – Donations to the Ukraine Crisis Appeal will help provide emergency relief and longer-term humanitarian support to people and communities affected by this unfolding crisis. You can read more about this at
We look forward to sharing some photos of Harmony Day with you after our event.
Thank you for your support.
Kerry Heil and Sarah Notridge – BPS Wellbeing Team