Casual Clothes Day – Wednesday 1st December 2021



Next Wednesday, 1st December 2021, we are having this term’s Casual Clothes Day. On this day children can come wearing casual clothes rather than wearing their school uniform. We ask that children wear school-appropriate clothing (ie. no tank tops or thongs).

This term, as we all know, everyone’s purse strings are a little tight leading up to Christmas. The SRC/Student Executive Officers thought it would be good to support the “Vinnies Christmas Appeal”. We are asking that families donate an item to help a family in need.

Things you can donate include:

  •  Food (ie pre-packaged food like pasta and rice, tinned ham and tuna, preserved fruits, tea, coffee, milo, honey, jams or spreads, special items for Christmas such as puddings, cakes, and biscuits).
  • Toys – new or in good condition (ie puzzles and games, musical toys, building blocks, sporting equipment, toy cars and trucks, action figures, dolls, or dress-ups).
  • Toiletries (ie shower gel, shampoo/conditioner, hairbrush/comb, toothpaste/toothbrush).
  • Vouchers (retail vouchers, movie vouchers, zoo passes).

Please send your donations in on Wednesday, and the Student Executive Officers will pick them up from your child’s classroom.

Thank you for your support

Student Executive Officers/SRC Representatives

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