Finance: Statements sent, payment due

Statements were sent out to families last week. We ask that you finalise any outstanding amounts as soon as possible.

The statements include outstanding amounts from the current and prior years. If you have a balance on your statement it means that your child/ren have attended camps/excursions/sports/incursions and these have not paid accordingly.

Final Notices in regard to outstanding amounts including any prior years are currently being processed. Please note that any instalment agreement should have been entered in to prior to the debt being incurred.

Once a Final Notice is issued there is a window of 14 days to make the payment in full before the debt is sent to DECD Recoveries.

Please pay any amounts outstanding on Qkr! under School Payments M&S Fees as you can manually enter the entire outstanding amount.  Alternatively call the school with credit card details, or pay with cash.

Thank you

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