It is a DfE requirement that our school records whether each student is home learning, absent because they are unwell, or here at school learning. We ask that families respond to their child’s teacher’s ‘Good Morning’ message every day. If your child’s teacher does not receive a response from you by 12 noon each day, your child’s absence will be marked as ‘unexplained’. As we currently do, please sms, phone or email the school if your child is unwell. This daily protocol will remain in place until further notice.
Adam, our ICT manager, emailed Seesaw codes to parent number 1 yesterday and has repeated this process for parent number 2 today. This allows students to freely access all Seesaw posts from their teacher. If you still have not received these codes, please check your junk mail first of all and if not there email the school.
If they are at school will they be marked off there
Yes Kirstin-we take the roll everyday at school.