Covid-19 update number 4, term 3

All teaching staff had a very productive day today, preparing for on line learning for the next 4 days-this was undertaken in year level teams or PLTs-‘Professional Learning Teams’. Ancillary staff also had a very productive day and we have prepared what their roles will look like for the next 4 days. We have established a skeleton staff to be on site every day so there will always be at least two leaders, two front office staff and at least  3 class based ancillary staff. We have ensured that the needs of our Deaf and Hard of Hearing students coming to school, over the next four days will be met with TODs and BSSOs on site as appropriate..

All families should receive information from your child’s class teacher/s and specialist staff via Seesaw today, or early tomorrow. An outline of the planned teaching and learning programme will be detailed for the upcoming 4 days, until the lockdown finishes. If the lockdown prevails, staff will revisit all plans and set up ‘at home’ learning plans for the next required period.

Class teachers will make daily contact with families via Seesaw each day. Please use Seesaw as the preferred communication method with your child’s class teacher regarding class matters, but for any issue or concern that is not a class based matter, parents are encouraged to call the school and speak to Jan or myself.

For parents who are essential workers and sending their children to school, please ask your child/children to meet the teaching staff in the STEM space. TRTs have been employed for the 4 days and are as follows. Thursday: Hayley and Peter. Friday: Hayley and Jess. Monday: Peter and Josh. Tuesday: Josh and Colin. Each of these teachers will endeavour to provide a teaching and learning programme that is appropriate for the huge variety of students, particularly considering the students could be from 27 different classes. It is likely we will split into  two cohorts and operate separately for most of the day. TRTs have been employed so that teaching staff can concentrate on their own classes throughout the day. We had 33 students in attendance today, but if that number were to rise, additional teachers may be required.

I wish parents and students all the best over the next 6 days and I look forward to everyone returning to school, sooner rather than later.

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