KESAB Bin Audit

Several students were up to their armpits in rubbish today as they sorted through the bins to separate our school refuse. Led by the Eco Leaders students in 4.4 and 2.9 helped decide how best to reuse, reduce and recycle based on the rubbish collected yesterday. It will be the catalyst for change at Brighton Primary to reduce the amount of rubbish going to land fill.

The students discovered that a lot of chip packets go in the red bin and many lunches are uneaten but end up in the bin.


4 thoughts on “KESAB Bin Audit

  1. So proud of all the hard (and likely not very pleasant?!) work by the students and staff to sort through the bins today. I’m sure everyone was surprised – or perhaps even a little horrified – at how much food is wasted. It is really striking / confronting to see the photo of all the food waste. I hope the Eco Leaders and students can come up with some great ideas to try to reduce this. Can I ask, are the soft plastics currently being diverted to Redcycle rather than going into landfill?

    1. Thanks Liz
      We are not currently recycling soft plastics as a whole school rather individual classes (not consistently).I also found it interesting that we could be putting hand towel in the green compost bin which will reduce our landfill considerably. Lots to think about.

  2. What a great initiative! Looking forward to hearing what the students come up with to tackle the amount of rubbish going to landfill.

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