Bunnings BBQ – Sunday 14 March Volunteers Needed

The Parents and Friends committee have been fortunate enough to receive a Bunnings BBQ on Sunday 14 March. This is always a great fundraiser for the school. This year we have a couple large items we are raising money for. P&F will be purchasing 2 basketball/netball systems for the courts and also purchasing and installing drinking taps in the shed on the oval. We need some volunteers on the day to make this BBQ fundraiser possible. The day is broken into 3 shifts. See below for the times and volunteers needed.

8:30-11:00 – 4 volunteers needed

11:00-2:00 – 1 volunteer needed

2:00-4:30 – 2 volunteers needed

If you are able to help with any of these shifts please email parentsandfriendsbps@gmail.com

Thanks in advance for you help!

Parents & Friends Committee

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