Good Afternoon
A tree branch has come down out the front of OSHC. This means there is no access via the gate that is closest to the shops. Please use the middle gate if entering off Brighton Road. From 3.30pm this branch will be being removed, so please be mindful of this work taking place to ensure your safety. We envisage this will be resolved by this afternoon and both gates may be used in the morning.
The temporary student crossing on Highet Avenue continues to be problematic. We cannot stress enough how important it is to cross Highet Avenue at the crossing, and as drivers please be mindful of students walking in and around the car park as a result of a lack of footpath.
Our telephone lines continue to be working intermittently. Our incoming line will be diverted to a mobile until this is resolved. This will mean there will be no answering machine available after hours. Please email should you wish to communicate with us that way until this is rectified.
Thank you for your understanding and patience
Jan-Marie and Sarah