Covid-19 Update number 4 term 3 CHANGE OF EVENTS DUE TO COVID 19

At a recent Governing Council I put the following proposals to our parent body regarding upcoming events .

I think it is prudent, safe and sensible that we consider my thinking below and adopt the following in lieu of recent COVID-19 happenings:

  • Sports day – Postpone until term four. Reconsider closer to the date whether it be a student / staff only event or allow parents to attend. Other considerations can be explored closer to the date if Covid-19 restrictions are still in place.
  • Art show – Produce a virtual Art Show that we will post on our blog. Each class and all students to feature. Art work will not be on display in the hall but still available to purchase.
  • Open Night – Cancel.
  • Writer’s week / Book week – No parents attending. Virtual parade streamed live and posted to our blog.
  • End of year concert – Consider circumstances early term four

Your Governing Council were in agreement with the above, considering the very challenging measures that we are required to adhere to under Covid-19 measures. Put simply, they are too difficult to ‘enforce’ and from a safety perspective it is far more sensible.


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