Covid-19 Term 2 Update number 6

I recognise that it has been a little while since I have posted an update regarding Covid-19, but not much has changed in recent weeks. Attendances continue to rise with today’s attendances equaling  654 students, which is approximately 90%.  A breakdown of today’s absences shows the following data. Sixty nine students absent: 20 are learning at home, 22 students away unwell, 9 absent for family reasons, 3 overseas or on holiday and 19 unexplained. Our typical annual attendance rate for all students is 93%.

With less than 3% of students learning at home we will revert to ‘at school learning only’ very soon. I ask that those families who have their students learning at home, to make contact with me or a member of the leadership team and inform us of your ongoing intentions. Access to a variety of websites and other learning opportunities will remain but these will not be class specific.

I continue to ask that parents do not enter the school grounds and congregate near classrooms. A number of parents are not following this simple request, implemented across all schools. Parents can enter the school grounds on the eastern/oval side of the school and wait or congregate outside of the school, while still practising physical distancing.

A huge payoff has been the independence students have demonstrated during this time and this is something we want to continue to foster in our students, your children.

Reports for term 2 will be modified due the current challenging situation we have been facing. Our proposed reports will be presented to Governing Council at this Monday’s night meeting. I will provide additional information in the very near future.


PS I have always been puzzled why we use 2 names for the same virus and it was not until I heard on the ABC the meaning of Covid-19, my preferred reference. Co-Corona, vi-virus, d-disease, 19-the year it began. How’s that!


9 thoughts on “Covid-19 Term 2 Update number 6

  1. Hi Ian,
    Thank you for the update. You and all the leadership teams doing a great job during this COVID-19 crisis. Our kids are becoming more aware, flexible to adopt available learning opportunities, and most importantly they are empowering families in the community by staying strong in this pandemic.
    Thanks again!

  2. Coronavirus’ is a very large group of viruses of which this latest one is novel ie : it’s never been seen before until last year (19 as Ian states) and dangerous because we have no immunity to it. COVID 19 the name is exactly as Ian says, only that it was discovered in 2019

  3. Hi Ian,
    Many thanks for the update.

    Knowing what caused the pandemic spread in Australia most, could you please let us know what the 3 students being on overseas holiday mean, whereabouts they are and what caucion will be taken upon their return.

    Thanking you in advance for the additional info and wishing you a sunny weekend! 🙂


    1. The students have not yet been to Australia but are enrolled to start at our school sometime in the future Andrea. All international entry precautions will obviously be taken before their arrival.

  4. I was lead to believe that Coronavirus is the virus and COVID19 is the disease it causes. I think they are talked about them interchangeable because most people with the virus show symptoms of the disease.

    1. That’s my understanding too Emily. Coronavirus is the type of virus (the common cold is also caused by a coronavirus) and COVID-19 is the disease.
      Thanks for the update Ian. Much appreciated!

    2. As I said it bothered me that we had two names. Either way, Covid-19 or corona virus, it is time to go!

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