As parents are aware, our AGM will be held this Monday the 17th of February at 7pm in the STEM space. I have added links below for 5 documents which relate to our AGM.

  1. 2020 AGM Agenda
  2. 2019 Governing Council Committee Reports
  3. 2019 Annual Report
  4. 2020 Site Improvement Plan
  5. 2020 Governing Council Nomination form

I have recently been advised that I can not proceed with the sharing of our building plans with the wider community, until  full approval has been given by both DfE and the Minister’s office. I apologise regarding this, but I can assure parents that once plans are finalised I will share with the wider community. Our Facilities Committee, particularly Simon and Stewart have been very involved in the consultation process. I will update parents regarding our new build and also future plans for our school.

I look forward to seeing many parents at our AGM this upcoming Monday night.


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