Ryan Cronin from 4.5 suggested to the Student Executives, that as a school, we have a week dedicated to “Anti-Bullying”. We want to ensure that all students are aware that we don’t accept any form of bullying at our school.
This week (Week 3), Ryan and the Student Executives will be sharing resources and links for classes to explore and use each day.
To finish this week we have decided to have a casual clothes day on Friday (1st of November), which we ask all students to bring in a gold coin donation. This money will be donated to the “Kids Helpline” who support children who are being bullied via phone, email or webchat.
It would be great if families also take the time this week to discuss bullying with their child/children, and explore websites such as “Bullying-No Way” (https://bullyingnoway.gov.au/), and “Kids Helpline” (https://kidshelpline.com.au/).
Thank you for your support
Student Executives and Ryan Cronin.