In support of the Health Curriculum and the safety and wellbeing of our students and families at Brighton Primary, we would like to invite you to the workshop ‘Overexposed and Under-Prepared’ on Tuesday the 2nd of April at 6.30pm.
What parents, grandparents, carers and guardians of young people need to know about current ‘porn culture’. This workshop is not for children under the age of 18.
The reality of living in today’s world is that our young people are growing up in a highly sexualized environment. No other generation has been exposed to the type of pornography that is main stream today and school children are watching it like never before. It’s free, it’s instant and it’s creating some major problems.
Current research is showing that children who view pornographic material are at risk of harm to their psychological development and mental health at a critical time in their development. The younger the age of first exposure, the more profound these effects can be in shaping who a child becomes as an adult.
Sex offences by school-aged children have quadrupled in Australia in only four years.
In order to assist young people to navigate this new reality, schools, parents and community organizations must first address the issues.
Wendy Hill from Kidz Biz Education is offering information workshops to South Australian schools, ‘Overexposed & Under-Prepared’, which explores the impact that exposure to explicit imagery has on young people.
Some of the topics for discussion will include:
- The benefits of monitoring and reducing access to internet enabled devices
- Popular prevention tools( filters)
- Easy ways savvy kids beat internet filters
- Knowing the sites young people use and understanding how they work
- The importance of obeying the age restrictions relating to apps/games
- Apps that are disappearing, locating and used to hide messages/images
Support your school to deliver sexuality education for the 21st century, where students learn to navigate their highly sexualized world, resist unwanted sexual activity and direct them towards environments that celebrate healthy friendships, talents and character strengths.
Duration: 90 minutes
Cost: Gold Coin Donation
Please register your attendance with Sarah or Shenae at the front office.
Phone Number – 8296 3614
school email –