School Volleyball

Thank you to all children and parents who have returned the volleyball registration forms for the summer season of 2019.

This is a reminder that all forms need to be received by Sharee and myself by tomorrow at 3pm.  Forms can be returned via the following methods:

  • your child sending the completed form to the front office via the office box; delivering the form to the front office; or scanning and emailing the form to Jan-Marie.

Thanks to those who have offered to Team Manage.  This involves communicating weekly with your team about games times, and player ins and outs.  We need more volunteers in this role.

We also require a co-coordinator to help Sharee organise Volleyball.  Please step forward.  If you have any questions about this role, please contact myself or Sharee.


Jan-Marie Cresp

Mob: 0402 480 154


2 thoughts on “School Volleyball

    1. Hi Michelle
      Volleyball is available for students in years 4-7. Your daughter can sign up this time next year 🙂

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