School Basketball

Thank you to all children and their parents who have returned the registration forms.  Basketball was introduced into our school in 2018 and it has really taken off!

Please note that all registrations need to be submitted by 3pm tomorrow – Monday 4 February.  You can do this via your child putting it in their classroom’s front office box, delivering the form to the front office, or scan and send your form to me.

An extra special thanks to those who have volunteered their time to support our players by way of coaching or team managing.  I appreciate this.  Our children need more volunteers in these important roles, along with a basketball co-coordinator (we can separate the work into Junior and Upper Primary to share the load?).

Please be aware, to create and submit a team, we need enough players (should not be a problem!), a coach and team manager.  It takes a community 🙂

I look forward to communicating team details this week, ready for our games starting Monday week – 11 February.

Jan-Marie Cresp

Mob: 0402 480 154


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